If you’re considering Invisalign for your orthodontic , you probably have some questions about what it is, how it works, and how it compares to traditional braces.
For this reason, we’ve taken some time to ask & respond to the most frequently asked questions surrounding Invisalign to help make your decision a bit easier.
Q1: What are aligners made of, and what do they look like?
A1: Aligners are made of thermoplastic material, made specifically for orthodontic , and look quite similar to teeth-whitening trays. They are custom made for each patient’s unique mouth to fit & move your teeth according to doctor’s plan.
Q2: How do aligners straighten teeth?
A2: A series of aligners are used over the course of to move teeth with slight adjustments that adhere to the plan set out by the doctors from the beginning. Aligners are changed out after 2 weeks of wear for the patient to move on to the next aligner/phase of .
Q3: How will Invisalign effectively move my teeth?
A3: Invisalign aligners move teeth through a process of controlled force. By controlled we mean that the doctor can control the timing and make decisions in advance by knowing how the teeth will shift, and also have a say in which teeth are allowed to move and those that should not. All of this is determined during the mapping stage, as your doctor plans out your unique track or course of aligners.
Q4: What are the benefits of Invisalign?
A4: The most noteable benefit of Invisalign, as its name indicates, are the virtually invisible aligners. Some people prefer this to standard metal braces, as they tend to be less noticeable to others. Invisalign is quite common for adults. Another benefit is that they are removable, which is especially handy for eating, drinking, as well as brushing & flossing teeth. Invisalign patients also have the ability to forsee what their smile will look like upon completion of , using virtual results from the predetermined mapping process from the doctor.
Now that you know more about Invisalign, we hope that you’ll be better equipped to make a decision for your own . Whether you go the traditional route of metal braces, or choose Invisalign, we love helping our patients achieve their greater smile. If you’re interested in beginning treatement, but have questions, don’t hesitate to contact the doctors or staff at Perelmuter & Goldberg Orthodontics!