Deciding when to get braces, or deciding when your child should get braces, can be a difficult decision. Most parents who are considering braces for their child do not want their child to get braces too soon or wait too long. So, what is the best age for getting braces?
The answer is not as simple as you might think. Every person is different and will have differences in their orthodontic care, so it is important to consult with your orthodontist to find the best time to start . By age 7-8 many will their first evaluation from an orthodontist to see how their teeth are growing in and discuss different options. More often than not, a child will not get braces at this age, but it is still important to get evaluated so you can start planning for the future.
Once a child has reached age 10 you may consider getting braces for your child. Ages 10-14 is the best age range for getting braces because all of the baby teeth have fallen out and the jaw is stable enough to support long-term orthodontic . Getting treated at this age improves your changes of not needing in the future, IF your retainer is worn properly after your braces have been removed.
If you are past the age of 14, it is not too late to start orthodontic . If you are an adult that is interested in getting braces, there is no need to worry that it is too late to have . An adult may need to make slight changes to their routine to accommodate braces, but overall, the results will outweigh the short-term changes. Additionally, teens and adults may find that Invisalign may be the best option. Invisalign uses aligners to straighten teeth rather than using braces.
If you or your child is interested in learning more about your options, call or text Perelmuter & Goldberg today to schedule an appointment. Your first consultation with us is free. To learn more about what will happen at your , visit /first-visit/.